Also we had our meeting with the nightclub. It went well, we're gonna send them something in writing tomorrow and hopefully we can get moving on this project.
Okay, back to smoking.
This is the true story of a professional model who within a year gained weight due to health problems and had to put her career on hold. Now, she has committed herself to getting back to her old wieght, and continuing what she started... Plus thinspiration photos, diets, and tips...
Treadmill: 20 minutes with no incline, at a speed of 5.5
Stationary bike: 15 minutes at level 1, rpm around 70
Stairmaster: 8 minutes at level 1
Elliptical Trainer: 10 minutes at level 1, between 55-60 rpm
Rowing: 5 minutes
Be sure to keep your heart rate above 110 but below 130, this is best for maximum fat-burn. My trainer adjusts this each day as it gets too easy or difficult, adjust the difficulty by checking your heart rate. As long as you are between 110-130 keep going at that pace.
Don't change the amount of time or skip anything on the list. Even if you like one machine but hate another, do them all in this order. It is designed to charge your metabolism and impact all your muscles
Aside from the workout, I make sure to walk as much as possible whenever I can.
The fact that I was a model is not important, I have to struggle with this like any other person trying to lose weight. I hope that the obstacles I encounter will show you that you are not alone, and that maybe I will also be able to support or inspire you in your quest to better yourself.
For girls who are considering modeling, I hope this will show you a little of the work that it takes to make it, and that maybe things that happen to me along the way will help you gain insight into this world.
To make it easy, here's the conversion: Approximately 1 kg= 2.2 lbs
So whatever your weight is in pounds, divide it by 2.2 and you'll have your weight in kgs, and vice versa.
The fact is, that if you've really got what it takes, you won't have to perform anything sexual on anyone. I know this sounds really ideallistic, but it's the truth. The fact is, believe it or not, that these people are in this business to make money. That means that when they're picking someone for a job, they're going use whoever they think will really be the best, because that means they'll make more money. So basically, no one who's willing to say he'll give you a job if you fuck him is honest enough to really give you that job just because you did. You either had it to begin with, or he's lying and you're not gonna get it. And if you don't have sex with him and end up not getting the job, don't feel bad, it wouldn't have changed anything.
The only time having sex will work is if it's for a small job where the person they use doesn't really matter as long as she's decent and then it's not worth it to prostitute yourself anyway. Word spreads fast, and then people who are really important will hear you're a slut and they'll call you just for that too. And once you get that reputation, you can't ever erase it.
The ONLY exception to this rule, is if you're with someone really important, like an agency owner or a magazine owner/editor or a tv producer etc. and then it only works if you actually have a relationship with that person and he really cares what happens to you.
earn an online mba . |
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