Anyway, I had to do something to improve my mood. I was getting all depressed and wanting to cry again, because as I was flipping through the tv channels I kept seeing girls I know on different shows. That gets me in a bad mood pretty fast. Seriously, it sucks that I know these people, I've actually sat and talked and hung out and ate dinner and gone to clubs and show with them and they all get to work and do fun stuff like be on tv while I sit here :(
So I ordered mexican last night, but I couldn't finish it all. I'm so happy that the urge to not overeat is stronger than my cravings, it's a good sign :) I did call the producer last night, I was just like, yeah Red told me that you guys talked a couple days ago? (lol he doesn't know that Red's my boyfriend) and I guess you guys were supposed to let me know about some tapings? His response was just like "yeah, I'm told Red I'd call him with the info". Um, hello, why did he not have the info already? Weren't they supposed to discuss all that on Thursday?! Crap, I hate everything being totally up in the air like this!
Oh well, I'm gonna start my juice fast today. I'm not sure I'll even go to bed after this hour. I think if anything I'll just lay on the couch with the tv on. The sun's up already, so I'm not really feeling like going to bed. I called to ask if the pool was open and they said that my gym was still "negotiating the terms" and that they would send info to everyone when the pool was available for our use. Shit, is absolutely everything that I want in the process of being "negotiated"?? WTF?!?!
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