I've actually been really good about my diet today, I sort of spread lunch out over the past few hours and it melded into dinner, so I ate less than I normally would. Except that now I'm totally craving chocolate.

When I really get a strong craving like this, I go into my stash of Kashi go-lean bars. They have the classic chocolate-covered protien bars or you can actually get like oatmeal bars dipped in chocolate. They're pretty good and even though they're all pretty high in calories, they're mostly from protien carbs instead of fat. Plus they're high in calcium and iron which are good at helping burn fat. It's not perfect and I don't recommend you eat them a lot, but at least when i get these cravings I can nibble on half a bar and it keeps me from running out to binge on brownies and snickers :P
nice blog
Hey thanks! It's the first time I ever tried something like this, so it's nice to know I'm doing something right!
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