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Jun 9, 2007

Gym and Juice

yeah, so i've just been surfing the net, I didn't get any sleep. I checked the class schedule at the gym for today, and I'm gonna go to Hips, Abs, &Thighs at 10, Dance Aerobics at 11, and Yoga Fit at 12. Afterward I'll probably be out walking from one place to another. I'll double-check about the pool. I wanna lay-out dammit! If that fails, maybe I'll go to the modern art musem, i've been talking about it a lot but haven't gone yet. Still, I'd hate to be indoors all day when the weather looks like it's gonna be nice.

I mixed 3-liters of juice for my juice fast today. I mixed apple, grape, sour cherry, and pomegranate, plus diluted it with a little water. I used apple the least (it can cause gas, and pomegranate the most since it's the best for detox. By the way, my dietician didn't write this up or anything, I've heard a lot about juice fasts and wanted to try it on my own. I'm anxious to see if I can actually survive today, let alone 3! That's why it would be so great to go to the pool, if I'm swimming and laying out all day with some magazines, I'll probably be thinking less about food and won't be so tempted to eat. That's also why I think the museum would be a good idea.

Okay, better pack some stuff and walking to the gym. I wanna have time to warm-up before class...

Still Awake

I can't believe it's 6am and I'm still awake. Oh well, I had something to keep me busy through my insomia. I finally put all my old magazines to use and made my huge fashion/model collage on my closet doors. I have just the top and bottom to fill on the second panel, but my original plan was to do just one so I can't believe I almost covered both! I'm so happy I did this, I think it looks totally awesome, and what better motivation when I wake up or go to my closet? Lol, I wonder what Red will think, he'll probably see it as being totally artistic or that I've completely lost my mind (most like he'll pick the second option.) Oh well, I love it.

Anyway, I had to do something to improve my mood. I was getting all depressed and wanting to cry again, because as I was flipping through the tv channels I kept seeing girls I know on different shows. That gets me in a bad mood pretty fast. Seriously, it sucks that I know these people, I've actually sat and talked and hung out and ate dinner and gone to clubs and show with them and they all get to work and do fun stuff like be on tv while I sit here :(

So I ordered mexican last night, but I couldn't finish it all. I'm so happy that the urge to not overeat is stronger than my cravings, it's a good sign :) I did call the producer last night, I was just like, yeah Red told me that you guys talked a couple days ago? (lol he doesn't know that Red's my boyfriend) and I guess you guys were supposed to let me know about some tapings? His response was just like "yeah, I'm told Red I'd call him with the info". Um, hello, why did he not have the info already? Weren't they supposed to discuss all that on Thursday?! Crap, I hate everything being totally up in the air like this!

Oh well, I'm gonna start my juice fast today. I'm not sure I'll even go to bed after this hour. I think if anything I'll just lay on the couch with the tv on. The sun's up already, so I'm not really feeling like going to bed. I called to ask if the pool was open and they said that my gym was still "negotiating the terms" and that they would send info to everyone when the pool was available for our use. Shit, is absolutely everything that I want in the process of being "negotiated"?? WTF?!?!

My Current Diet: From here you can follow each week's diet as my dietician gives them to me.

This week we are back to the first week's diet (which you can see if you click the link below). However, there is a slight difference. One day, breakfast will be the same. But for the rest of the day I will eat 1 kg. (about 2.2lbs.) of only seasonal fruits (strawberries, cherries, apples, pears, nectarines). They can be mixed however you want and you can eat them when you want, just make sure that they are all you eat for the rest of the day and that you don't eat more than 1 kg. Do this for one or two days this week.

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My Current Workout: from here you can follow my exercise program as my trainer give it to me.

This week is just cardio, after six days of this we will add wieght training.

Treadmill: 20 minutes with no incline, at a speed of 5.5

Stationary bike: 15 minutes at level 1, rpm around 70

Stairmaster: 8 minutes at level 1

Elliptical Trainer: 10 minutes at level 1, between 55-60 rpm

Rowing: 5 minutes

Be sure to keep your heart rate above 110 but below 130, this is best for maximum fat-burn. My trainer adjusts this each day as it gets too easy or difficult, adjust the difficulty by checking your heart rate. As long as you are between 110-130 keep going at that pace.

Don't change the amount of time or skip anything on the list. Even if you like one machine but hate another, do them all in this order. It is designed to charge your metabolism and impact all your muscles

Aside from the workout, I make sure to walk as much as possible whenever I can.

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