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Jun 10, 2007

Gym Fugitive

Yeah, so I accidentaly fell asleep instead of going out today. I did order my groceries online so I have food now but obviously I didn't get any exercise. Oh well, I'm counting this as a free day since it's Sunday anyway and too late to do anything now - there weren't even classes at the gym this afternoon. I'm still in pain, and I probably look really funny when i try to stand up and walk after sitting for a while :P

I'm going through the schedule for the week and writing down exactly which class I'm taking and at what time. Tomorrow looks good (assuming I can wake my lazy ass up) -- I'm doing Streching (at 8:30 in the morning! lol) which I really need considering how tight my muscles feel, then Express Core, Express Abs, Hips Abs & Thighs, Core Pilates, and an aerobics class. The only thing that freaks me out whenever I get into these workout obsessed modes is that the trainers will notice and think I'm a crazy freak.

In fact I was thinking about this yesterday too. Did you ever notice how sometimes there are like the really atheltic crazy muscular women who probably only ever wear workout clothes and have serious man issues, and they always know absolutely every trainer and they are always front and center in all the classes, and they basically do ALL the classes and they are always chugging protien shakes?? And like, they're thin but not really because everything has sort of reversed and started pushing itself back out and they've gone past being thin and into being bodybuilders, and for some reason they're usually over 40 (or look it anyway). Anyway, nobody ever says anything about these women, like i said they're like bff with any and all gym personel.

But I know that as soon as I start doing more than a couple classes all of a sudden the trainers will "take notice". I even got really paranoid about that yesterday because something really wierd happened. I met the trainer in my first class, the dance aerobics. Anyway, when we got out I actually wanted to go into yoga class after, but he had seen me doing cardio before his class too and then i still wanted to do the pilates later and since he was standing by the studio I decided not to draw too much attention to myself the first day and skipped the yoga. I went to the info desk to ask the girl if the pool was open and she told me to talk to the membership people.

When I came back from talking to them, the trainer was talking to the girl at the info desk and left when he saw me, then she asked me if they helped (all they did was tell me it wasn't open yet) and then -- here's where it gets weird -- she was like "lemme write down your name, what was it again?" and i was all "oh that's okay they helped" and she insisted and said she would pass it on to thier supervisor or something. WTF?!?! She's going to "pass on" that I was wondering if the pool is open?!?!?! So she actually wrote down my name (of course I gave it to her, i didn't want her to really think i'm insane). But i'm pretty sure it actually had something to do with the trainer.

I doubt he recognized me from anywhere and even if he did it wouldn't matter people much more important than me are all members to that gym. And I'm really sure he wasn't interested in me sexually because i'm pretty sure he's gay and that's no way to pick someone up anyway. Why wouldn't he just ask me my last name? Plus I have my trainer, who sees how much cardio I do from my program sheet plus she teaches some of the classes too. So I'm totally paranoid now that they're keeping watch on me or something. Oh well, what will they do gimme an intervention? I paid for my membership goddammit! I'm gonna make it worth every penny! Lol...

All I'm saying is that I feel like right now I'm all suspicious because I'm like a fat girl working out. I'm a prime target for the words "we think she has a problem". But if I was all skinny hell i could sleep there and stick my finger down my throat while running on the treadmill and they still wouldn't say anything.

So yeah it's so great I have this gym to fill my days instead of working lol. Hopefully we can get this fashion show thing so that I can actually make some money instead of just spending it. in fact it's probably better for me economically that i'm insecure about my body right now because i hate shopping for clothes (so i don't) and my decreased social life means i go out less too. I just keep dreaming about the day when I'l be thin and have money :)

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My Current Diet: From here you can follow each week's diet as my dietician gives them to me.

This week we are back to the first week's diet (which you can see if you click the link below). However, there is a slight difference. One day, breakfast will be the same. But for the rest of the day I will eat 1 kg. (about 2.2lbs.) of only seasonal fruits (strawberries, cherries, apples, pears, nectarines). They can be mixed however you want and you can eat them when you want, just make sure that they are all you eat for the rest of the day and that you don't eat more than 1 kg. Do this for one or two days this week.

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My Current Workout: from here you can follow my exercise program as my trainer give it to me.

This week is just cardio, after six days of this we will add wieght training.

Treadmill: 20 minutes with no incline, at a speed of 5.5

Stationary bike: 15 minutes at level 1, rpm around 70

Stairmaster: 8 minutes at level 1

Elliptical Trainer: 10 minutes at level 1, between 55-60 rpm

Rowing: 5 minutes

Be sure to keep your heart rate above 110 but below 130, this is best for maximum fat-burn. My trainer adjusts this each day as it gets too easy or difficult, adjust the difficulty by checking your heart rate. As long as you are between 110-130 keep going at that pace.

Don't change the amount of time or skip anything on the list. Even if you like one machine but hate another, do them all in this order. It is designed to charge your metabolism and impact all your muscles

Aside from the workout, I make sure to walk as much as possible whenever I can.

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